
DS3 Programme - Delivering a Secure Sustainable Electricity System

The DS3 programme focuses on integrating renewable generation into our power system.

What was the DS3 Programme?

The DS3 programme was our response to national and European renewable energy targets. Ireland’s target was for 16% of our energy consumption to come from renewable energy sources by 2020. 

The DS3 programme aimed to increase the amount of renewable energy on the Irish power system.

We set our sights on 40% of electricity from renewable sources on the island of Ireland by 2020.

For more on the DS3 Programme, read our information brochure, or search for more DS3 documents in Publications.

What DS3 Achieved

By 2018, the DS3 programme had already improved renewable generation in Ireland. 

It enabled the TSOs to increase instant levels of renewable generation on the system from 50% to 65%. This was a world first.

In 2021 we increased this further to 70% and in March 2022 we reached the DS3 goal of 75%. This milestone was ten years in the making since the launch of the DS3 Programme. 

These increases have enabled very high levels of renewable energy. Renewable energy accounted for 43% of electricity production in 2020.

Our Programme Pillars

We achieved all of this with a focus on three key areas:

  • System performance
  • System policies
  • System tools

These three pillars helped to review how we do things across the electricity industry. 

They ensure policies, incentives, standards and tools are fit for purpose in a system with world-leading levels of renewables.

But we are not stopping here. We are now working to gradually increase the limit over the coming years to 95%.

What Happens Next?

The main objective of DS3 was met in 2020 and surpassed by 2022. A new set of targets have been set for 2030. 

Shaping Our Electricity Future has taken over from DS3.


DS3 Advisory Council

The DS3 Advisory Council was established in 2011 to provide a forum to discuss issues which may impact on the success of DS3.

The council consisted of experts from across the power industry, including representatives from academia and industry across Ireland, Northern Ireland and Europe. Meetings were held approximately every four months from 2011 until September 2021. 

The DS3 Advisory Council has now been superseded by the SOEF Advisory Council.

  • Meeting 31 - September 2021. The presentation from the Advisory Council in September 2021 is available to review available to review here.
  • Meeting 31 - September 2021. The presentation from the Advisory Council in September 2021 is available to review here.
  • Meeting 30 - June 2021. The presentation from the Advisory Council in June 2021 is available to review here. The minutes are available to review here.
  • Meeting 29 – March 2021. The presentation from the Advisory Council in March 2021 is available to review here. The minutes are available to review here.
  • Meeting 28 - September 2020. The presentation from the Advisory Council in September 2020 is available to review here.
  • Meeting 27 - May 2020. The presentation from the Advisory Council in May 2020 is available to review here.
  • Meeting 26 - February 2020. The presentation from the Advisory Council in Februrary 2020 is available to review here. The minutes are available here.
  • Meeting 25 - October 2019. The presentation from the Advisory Council in October 2019 is available to review here.
  • Meeting 24 - May 2019. The presentation from the Advisory Council in May 2019 is available to review here.
  • Meeting 23 - February 2019. The presentation from the Advisory Council in February 2019 is available to review here
  • Meeting 22 - September 2018. The presentation and minutes from the Advisory Council in September 2018 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 21 - May 2018. The presentation and minutes from the Advisory Council in May 2018 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 20 – January 2018. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in January 2018 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 19 – September 2017. The presentation from the meeting in September 2017 available to review here. Minutes are available to review here.
  • Meeting 18 – May 2017. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in May 2017 in Dublin are available to review here.
  • Meeting 17 – January 2017. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in January 2017 in Belfast are available to review here.
  • Meeting 16 – September 2016. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in September 2016 in Dublin are available to review here.
  • Meeting 15 – May 2016. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in May 2016 in Belfast are available to review here.
  • Meeting 14 – January 2016. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in January 2016 in Belfast are available to review here.
  • Meeting 13 – September 2015. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in September 2015 in Dublin are available to review here.
  • Meeting 12 – May 2015. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in May 2015 in Dublin are available to review here.
  • Meeting 11 – January 2015. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in January 2015 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 10 – September 2014. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in September 2014 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 9 – May 2014. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in May 2014 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 8 – January 2014. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in January 2014 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 7 – September 2013. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in September 2013 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 6 – June 2013. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in June 2013 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 5 – March 2013. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in March 2013 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 4 – October 2012. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in October 2012 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 3 – May 2012. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in May 2012 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 2 – February 2012. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in February 2012 are available to review here.
  • Meeting 1 – October 2011. All presentations, minutes and reports presented at the Advisory Council in October 2011 are available to review here

DS3 Consultations and Publications

​DS3 System Services – Consultation on DS3 Tariffs 2024 and SEM-C decision

Update 11 September 2024: EirGrid and SONI published back in March 2024 a consultation paper on DS3 System Services Tariffs. Following this consultation process and today, the SEM Committee has published the System Services Tariff Review Decision Paper SEM-24-065 (SEM-24-065 System Services Tariff Review Decision Paper | The Single Electricity Market Committee (semcommittee.com)) that states:

• TSS scalars to be reduced from October 2024. From October 2024, the TSS should be reduced to 4 (as opposed to 6.3), when SNSP > 70% and to 2.25 (as opposed to 4.7), when SNSP > 60%. From October 2025 further reductions in the TSS and tariff rates may occur, subject to a review of the impact from the first reduction, in relation to service availability relative to system needs.

• Tariff rates will remain at the current rates.

• Procurement of FFR – TOR2 services will continue after Gate 11. However, a request to conduct a risk assessment, around the option to close the procurement of FFR-TOR2, after gate 11, has been placed for the TSO to ellaborate.

• The TSOs will continue to monitor the effectiveness and costs of the tariff arrangements and report quarterly to the RAs, and, if appropriate, recommend revisions to current tariff rates and/or associated scalars.

For further details, please refer to the links provided.

DS3 System Services Volume Uncapped Gate 11 Bidders’ Conference Call

​The DS3 System Services Volume Uncapped Gate 11 Bidders’ Conference Call slide deck which was presented on 25 June 2024 can be found here.

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 10 – Outcome

EirGrid and SONI have published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 10. 

This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on 1 May 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services Volume Uncapped Gate 10 Bidders’ Conference Call

The DS3 System Services Volume Uncapped Gate 10 Bidders’ Conference Call slide deck which was presented on 9 January 2024 can be found here.

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 9 – Outcome

EirGrid and SONI have published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 9. 

This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on 1 May 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 8 – Outcome

EirGrid and SONI have published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 8. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on May 1st 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped – Gate 8 – Tariffs

16.12.2022: SONI and EirGrid have launched the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 8 procurement process. The tender for Gate 8 was published on eTenders 9th December 2022 and in the Official Journal of European Union (OJEU) Wednesday 14th December 2022.

eTenders: RFT 29595

OJEU Tender Ref:2022/S 241-694840 – DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped – Gate 8

Please note that the DS3 tariffs are at present subject to review following a recent consultation process. The consultation paper published on 16th September 2022 is available on the EirGrid and SONI websites. The TSOs have been advised that the SEM Committee will publish a decision on potential changes to the Tariff Rates in the coming months. Should there be a change to the Tariff Rates the TSOs anticipate that the timelines to award of contract for Gate 8 may be extended by 30 days, or such a time period that the TSOs consider necessary.

DS3 System Services Protocol Document - Regulated Arrangements

​21.11.2022 SONI and EirGrid have today published a recommendations paper on the DS3 System Services Protocol Document - Regulated Arrangements. The Protocol document specifies the compliance requirements which a service provider must satisfy before being paid for DS3 System Services. In addition, it specifies the Performance Monitoring procedures to be applied. It also contains operational requirements, specifying minimum standards that Providing Units must meet.
The recommended changes to the Protocol document have been approved by the Regulatory Authorities.
The decision follows a consultation held by SONI and EirGrid in March 2022. The non-confidential responses to the consultation are appended to the recommendations paper.
The paper is accompanied by version 4.0 of the DS3 System Services Protocol document.
The effective date of version 4.0 of the Protocol Document will be 1st December 2022.

DS3 System Services – Consultation on Expenditure

16.09.2022 EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation paper on DS3 System Services Expenditure. This follows previous information notes and a previous consultation process which took place last year.  Following the previous consultation process, the SEM Committee made the decision to reduce tariffs for FFR – TOR2 by 10%. The TSOs consider breach of the current cap of €235M likely if further control measures are not implemented by Q1 2023. The consultation paper outlines options to mitigate breach of the regulatory budget for the 2022/23 tariff year.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com by 14th October 2022.

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 7 – Outcome

EirGrid and SONI have published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 7. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on May 1st 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services - Information on FFR Performance Assessment

In response to industry feedback the TSOs have published further details here on the calculation behind the FFR Performance Assessment (Section 5.14 of the DS3 System Service Protocol – Regulated Arrangements). This document was previously published in May 2022 and has been circulated via email to existing Service Providers of the FFR service for their information.

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 6 – Outcome

EirGrid and SONI have published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 6. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on May 1st 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements together with the forecast expenditure for the period October 1st 2021 to September 30th 2022.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services - Information on FFR Performance Assessment

In response to industry feedback the TSOs have published further details here on the calculation behind the FFR Performance Assessment (Section 5.14 of the DS3 System Service Protocol – Regulated Arrangements).  This document has previously been circulated via email to existing Service Providers of the FFR service for their information.

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 5 – Outcome

EirGrid and SONI have published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 5. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on May 1st 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements together with the forecast expenditure for the period October 1st 2021 to September 30th 2022.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services – Protocol Consultation Information Session

Publication of the slide deck from the DS3 System Services Protocol Consultation Information Session that was held on 22/03/2022

DS3 System Services - Protocol Document Consultation

04.03.22 SONI and EirGrid have today published a consultation paper on the DS3 System Services Protocol Document. The Protocol document specifies the compliance requirements which a service provider must satisfy before being paid for DS3 System Services. In addition, it specifies the Performance Monitoring procedures to be applied. It also contains operational requirements, specifying minimum standards that Providing Units must meet. 

This consultation paper outlines the proposed amendments to the DS3 System Services Protocol document – Regulated Arrangements, Version 3.0, effective date 1st October 2020 which is available here. The marked up version of the Protocol document which accompanies this consultation is available here. The purpose of the consultation paper is to provide stakeholders with information about our proposals and a guide to the consultation process.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper should be sent to DS3@soni.ltd.uk or DS3@eirgrid.com by 15th April 2022.

DS3 System Services – Indicative 2030 Volumes

EirGrid and SONI recently conducted analysis on indicative System Services volumes and requirements for 2030 based on three illustrative portfolios to support the work being undertaken by the regulatory authorities on the High-Level Design (HLD) of the Future Arrangements. The reason for developing three portfolios is to demonstrate that the System Services needed to operate the power system at very high System Non-Synchronous Penetration (SNSP) levels could be provided by a range of technologies. The portfolios were developed solely for the purpose of the analysis undertaken and do not represent desired, expected or optimal portfolios.

This paper summaries the results of the preliminary analysis undertaken and indicates the system services capabilities that could be delivered to enable operation at high SNSP levels provided that the right investment signals are given. Additional work on system services volumes and requirements will be undertaken in 2022 and stakeholders will be kept up to date on the outcomes from this further analysis either through a revision of this paper or through publication of additional documents. In addition, EirGrid and SONI are actively engaging with the regulatory authorities on the topic of system services volumes and the outcome of these ongoing discussions will be reflected in future publications.

DS3 System Services Tariff Rates – SEM Committee Decision

EirGrid and SONI have today published updated DS3 System Services Tariff Rates as approved by the SEM Committee in a letter dated 23rd November 2021. This follows an industry consultation process conducted by EirGrid and SONI as directed by the Regulatory Authorities on the management of the overall System Services budget. As part of this consultation process, a consultation paper was published on 28th May 2021, this followed information notes issued to industry on 07th May 2021 and 16th September 2020.  Following feedback from consultation respondents, the TSOs submitted an recommendations paper to the RAs on 09th August 2021.

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 4B – Outcome

EirGrid and SONI have published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 4B. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on May 1st 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements together with the forecast expenditure for the period October 1st 2020 to September 30th 2021.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services - Volume Uncapped Gate 5 Bidders’ Conference Call

Publication of the slide deck from the DS3 System Services Volume Uncapped Gate 5 Bidders’ Conference Call that was held on 22/06/2021.   

DS3 System Services – Consultation on Expenditure

EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation paper on DS3 System Services Expenditure. This follows an information note issued to industry on 07th May, which advised of the launch of a consultation process due to the forecast increase in expenditure.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com by 02nd July 2021.

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 4 – Outcome

EirGrid and SONI have published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 4. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on 01 May 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements together with the forecast expenditure for the period 01 October 2020 to 30 September 2021.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services – Expenditure Note

07.05.2021 As part of EirGrid and SONI’s role in monitoring current and potential future spend on system services, the TSOs recognise the potential for an increase in the costs of system services as previously communicated in an information note published in September 2020.  The TSOs now wish to inform stakeholders that a consultation process will be launched in the coming weeks to address this potential increase in expenditure. The DS3 System Services Expenditure Note in full can be found here.

DS3 System Services Protocol Document – Regulated Arrangements - Information

23.03.2021 In November 2020, EirGrid and SONI held a DS3 System Services Protocol workshop.  A number of topics were discussed including the removal of the Primary Operating Reserve (POR) Inertia Credit from the assessment of POR performance. 

The TSOs have listened to the feedback from industry received at the workshop and from one to one meetings with stakeholders.  We would like to inform industry in advance of the next DS3 Protocol consultation that the removal of the POR inertia credit will not be included in the scope of changes; however will continue to be reviewed for future iterations. 

We had previously stated we would publish a consultation in March, however, this has been delayed as we seek to ensure we have explored all options in improving the Ramping assessment methodology.

DS3 System Services – Information – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 4B Tender

26.02.2020 The OJEU notice for DS3 System Services – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 4B is now available on the eTenders and OJEU websites. The reference numbers are as follows:

  • OJEU Ref: 2021/S 036-091121
  • eTenders Ref: 183805
  • EirGrid Tender Ref: ENQEIR742 - DS3 System Services - Volume Uncapped – Gate 4B

Applicants are invited to submit a tender for this contract in accordance with the instructions set out in the Request For Proposal (RFP), which you can find by registering and logging in here.

DS3 System Services – Decision – Regulated (Volume Uncapped) Arrangements Procurement – Mitigation of Service Provider Financial Risks due to COVID-19

27.11.2020 EirGrid and SONI have today published a decision paper that advises of limited amendments to the procurement of DS3 System Services under the Regulated Tariff (Volume Uncapped) Arrangements that the TSOs will implement in 2021 to mitigate some of the financial risk that existing or prospective providers of System Services may encounter arising from government measures introduced to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

DS3 System Services – Information – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 4 Tender

26.11.2020 The OJEU notice for DS3 System Services – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 4 is now available on the eTenders and OJEU websites. The reference numbers are as follows:

  • OJEU Ref: 2020/S 230-568172
  • eTenders Ref: 179954
  • EirGrid Tender Ref: ENQEIR739 – DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped – Gate 4 

Applicants are invited to submit a tender for this contract in accordance with the instructions set out in the Request For Proposal (RFP), which you can find by registering and logging in here.

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 3 – Outcome

18.11.2020 EirGrid and SONI have published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 3. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on 01 May 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements together with the forecast expenditure for the period 01 October 2020 to 30 September 2021.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services - Locational Scarcity Scalars

23.10.2020 EirGrid has today published a CRU approved implementation paper on Locational Scarcity Scalars for System Services for providers in the Dublin region.

This follows an industry consultation process conducted by EirGrid as directed by CRU in CRU/19/128. As part of this consultation process, a consultation paper was published on 23 June 2020 in which EirGrid proposed a definition of a Dublin region as well as a methodology for calculating the Locational Scarcity Scalars. Following feedback from consultation respondents, EirGrid submitted an implementation proposal paper to CRU, who provided their approval on 30 September 2020.

DS3 System Services - Expenditure Note

16.09.2020 As part of EirGrid and SONI’s role in monitoring current and potential future spend on system services, the TSOs recognise the potential for an increase in the costs of system services. In response to this, we have today published an information note on DS3 system services expenditure and will continue to monitor this evolving situation and engaging with our key stakeholders to ensure that any necessary interventions are carried out in line with our regulatory obligations. The DS3 System Services Expenditure Note in full can be found here.

DS3 System Services – Consultation – Regulated (Volume Uncapped) Arrangements Procurement – Mitigation of Service Provider Financial Risks due to COVID-19

01.09.2020 EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation paper on proposed limited amendments to the procurement of DS3 System Services under the Regulated Tariff (Volume Uncapped) Arrangements to mitigate some of the financial risk that existing or prospective providers of System Services may have encountered arising from government measures introduced to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Responses to the consultation should be sent to DS3Procurement@EirGrid.com by Friday 25 September 2020.

DS3 System Services – Locational Scalars Consultation

23.06.20 EirGrid has today published a consultation paper on Implementation of Locational Scarcity Scalars for System Services for providers in the Dublin region.

The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) noted in CRU/19/011 that there was a requirement for locational signals in the Dublin Region to incentivise generation that provides system support, both in terms of entry and exit, which is important for the long-term security of supply in the region, in the context of unprecedented levels of forecast demand growth .

As part of CRU’s decision paper (CRU/19/128)  EirGrid was directed  to develop scalar values for the Locational Scarcity Scalars in the Dublin region.  In this consultation paper, EirGrid proposes a definition for a Dublin region as well as a methodology for calculating the Locational Scarcity Scalars and proposed scalar values.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com by 04th August 2020.

DS3 System Services – Information – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 3 Tender

17.06.20 The OJEU notice for DS3 System Services – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 3 is now available on the eTenders and OJEU websites. The reference numbers are as follows:

OJEU Ref: 2020/S 116-282623

eTenders Ref: 169912

EirGrid Tender Ref: ENQEIR722 - DS3 System Services - Volume Uncapped – Gate 3

Applicants are invited to submit a tender for this contract in accordance with the instructions set out in the Request For Proposal (RFP), which you can find by registering and logging in here.

DS3 System Services – Protocol Recommendations Paper

12.06.20 EirGrid and SONI have today published a recommendations paper on the DS3 System Services Protocol Document - Regulated Arrangements. The Protocol document specifies the compliance requirements which a service provider must satisfy before being paid for DS3 System Services. In addition, it specifies the Performance Monitoring procedures to be applied. It also contains operational requirements, specifying minimum standards that Providing Units must meet.

The recommended changes to the Protocol document have been approved by the Regulatory Authorities.

The decision follows a consultation held by EirGrid and SONI in April 2020. The non-confidential responses to the consultation are appended to the recommendations paper.

The paper is accompanied by version 3.0 of the DS3 System Services Protocol document.

The effective date of version 3.0 of the Protocol Document will be 1st October 2020. This is aligned with the contract execution of successful tenders of DS3 System Services Gate 3 procurement.

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 2 – Outcome

12.05.20 EirGrid and SONI have published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 2. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on 01 May 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements together with the forecast expenditure for the period 01 October 2019 to 30 September 2020.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services - Protocol Consultation

08.04.20 SONI and EirGrid have today published a consultation paper on the DS3 System Services Protocol Document. The Protocol document specifies the compliance requirements which a service provider must satisfy before being paid for DS3 System Services. In addition, it specifies the Performance Monitoring procedures to be applied. It also contains operational requirements, specifying minimum standards that Providing Units must meet. 

This consultation paper outlines the proposed amendments to the DS3 System Services Protocol document – Regulated Arrangements, Version 2.0, effective date 1st May 2019 which is available here.  The marked up version of the Protocol document which accompanies this consultation is available here.  The purpose of the consultation paper is to provide stakeholders with information about our proposals and a guide to the consultation process.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper should be sent to DS3@soni.ltd.uk or DS3@eirgrid.com by 12th May 2020.

DS3 System Services – Information – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 2 Tender

18.11.2019 The OJEU notice for DS3 System Services – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 2 is now available on the OJEU and eTenders websites. The reference numbers are as follows:

OJEU Ref:                         2019/S 220-540954
eTenders Ref:                   RFT 160138
EirGrid Tender Ref:          ENQEIR692 - DS3 System Services - Volume Uncapped – Gate 2

Applicants are invited to submit a tender for this contract in accordance with the instructions set out in the Request For Proposal (RFP), which you can find by registering and logging in here.

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Gate 1 – Outcome

16.10.19 EirGrid and SONI have today published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Gate 1. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Twelve system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement
process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on May 1st 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements together with the forecast expenditure for the period October 1st 2019 to September 30th 2020.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

Volume Capped Procurement Outcomes

03.10.2019 EirGrid and SONI are delighted to announce the outcomes of the Volume Capped procurement process. This procurement process, one of the first of its kind globally, was put in place to ensure the provision of high-availability reserve services to the all-island system, and attracted a high level of interest. These services will assist Ireland and Northern Ireland in ensuring we can securely operate the power system with increasing amounts of variable non-synchronous renewable generation as we work towards decarbonising the electricity sector. They form part of the overall DS3 programme, which has already enabled the island to achieve record levels of instantaneous operation of variable renewables for a single synchronous electricity system. The tendering process was competitive, attracting bids for 18 service providers. Of these, three were successful, providing 110 MW of Volume Capped services in total.  All of the successful projects were solid-state batteries located in Ireland and received their connection offer through ECP-1. The date of dispatch of the Contract Award Notice to OJEU was 1st October 2019. The successful tenders are summarised below:

Providing Unit

Service Provider

Contract Size

Gorman Energy Storage Station 

Scottish Power Renewables (UK) Limited 

50 MW

Porterstown Battery Storage Facility 

Porterstown Battery Storage Limited 

30 MW

Kilmannock Battery Storage Facility 

Kilmannock Battery Storage Limited 

30 MW 

The estimated total value of these contracts is around €6 million per year, totalling approximately €38 million for the lifetime of the contracts. This successful outcome represents significant savings for the end user. By way of comparison, if the equivalent level of services were procured through the Volume Uncapped process, the value of the contracts would be approximately €210 million.

DS3 Volume Capped Tender

10.06.2019 The DS3 Volume Capped competition has now reached tender stage. We are today publishing redline versions of the Legal Agreements and Protocol document, which identifies significant changes since the previous drafts were published. 

DS3 Volume Capped & I-SEM Interactions

27.05.2019 In advance of the RFP stage of the Volume Capped Tender procurement process, EirGrid and SONI have today published this information note* which aims to give some clarity on interactions between Volume Capped and the existing I-SEM arrangements. In particular it examines how batteries contracted under Volume Capped would be expected to behave in the ex-ante energy markets and Balancing Market under relevant scenarios.

The PQQ evaluation is currently being finalised and the RFP stage will commence shortly thereafter.

Should you have any comments on the above please submit them to  DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk.

*This document was updated on 10th June 2019.

DS3 Volume Capped – Draft Contracts

15.05.2019 In advance of Phase 2 of the Volume Capped Tender procurement process, EirGrid and SONI have today published a draft of the EirGrid and SONI Contract Templates for these Arrangements, in order to assist candidates with their preparations. These new versions take into account the feedback received through our previous contract consultation (issued 25th October 2018). Please note that this draft will be finalised in line with the requirements of the procurement process.

For a redline comparison against the consulted contracts, please see the EirGrid and SONI versions.

Should you have any comments on the above please submit them to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk.

DS3 Volume Capped – Protocol and TSS

10.05.2019 In advance of Phase 2 of the Volume Capped Tender procurement process, EirGrid and SONI have today published a draft of the DS3 Volume Capped Protocol in order to assist candidates with their preparations. Please note that this draft is subject to regulatory approval and will be finalised in line with the requirements of the procurement process.

In addition, the proposed values that will be used in the Volume Capped Arrangements for the Temporal Scarcity Scalar (TSS) are contained in this information note. As with the Protocol document, these figures are draft and will be finalised in line with the requirements of the procurement process.

Should you have any comments on the above please submit them to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk

DS3 System Services – Information – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 1 Tender

03.04.2019 The OJEU notice for DS3 System Services – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Gate 1 is now available on the eTenders and OJEU websites. The reference numbers are as follows:

  • OJEU Ref: 2019/S 066-155841
  • eTenders Ref: RFT 148513
  • EirGrid Tender Ref: ENQEIR659 - DS3 System Services - Volume Uncapped – Gate 1

Applicants are invited to submit a tender for this contract in accordance with the instructions set out in the Request For Proposal (RFP), which you can find by registering and logging in here.

DS3 System Services Protocol Document – Regulated Arrangements

29.03.2019 EirGrid and SONI have today published a recommendations paper on the DS3 System Services Protocol Document – Regulated Arrangements.  The Protocol document specifies the compliance requirements which a service provider must satisfy before being paid for DS3 System Services. In addition, it specifies the Performance Monitoring procedures to be applied. It also contains operational requirements, specifying minimum standards that Providing Units must meet. 

The recommended changes to the Protocol document have been approved by the SEM Oversight Committee.

The decision follows a consultation held by EirGrid and SONI in December 2018. The non-confidential responses to the consultation are appended to the recommendations paper.

The paper is accompanied by version 2.0 of the DS3 System Services Protocol document.

In order to implement the changes from the Protocol Document to the TSO Performance Monitoring systems, the effective date of version 2.0 of the Protocol Document will be 1st May 2019. 

DS3 System Services – Forum Slides: QTP Update, Volume Capped PQQ, and DS3 Regulated Arrangements

22.03.2019 The slides from the industry forum hosted 14th  March 2019 are now available here. These slides give details on our Qualification Trial Process, details on the Prequalification Questionnaire for the Volume Capped tender process, and an update on the DS3 Regulated Arrangements.

DS3 System Services – Qualification Trial Process

11.03.2019 Last Friday EirGrid and SONI published the 2019 DS3 System Services Qualification Trial Process (QTP). The purpose of the Qualification Trial Process is to enable new technologies to prove their System Service capabilities and to enable participation in the Central Procurement Process for DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements. It also facilitates the TSOs in the development of the new codes and standards for new technology classes, and new processes and procedures for the commissioning and testing of new technologies.

The notice for the DS3 System Services Qualification Trial Process  in now available on the eTenders website. Applicants are invited to submit a tender for this contract in accordance with the instructions set out in the Request For Proposal (RFP), which you can find by registering and logging in here.

Reference details for the tender are as follows:

  • eTenders: RFT  147278
  • EirGrid Tender Ref: ENQEIR643 - DS3 Qualification Trial Process

DS3 System Services – Volume Capped

16.04.2019 The Volume Capped PQQ submission window has now closed, following an extension of the submission deadline until noon on Friday the 12th April. This extension was to provided to give EirGrid & SONI time to respond to the large volume of queries submitted, and to allow for any clarification requests on the responses.

07.03.2019 The OJEU notice for the DS3 System Services – Volume Capped in now available on the eTenders website. Applicants are invited to submit a tender for this contract in accordance with the instructions set out in the Request For Proposal (RFP), which you can find by registering and logging in here.

Reference details for the tender are as follows:

  • OJEU Ref: 2019/S 047-107938
  • eTenders Ref: RFT 19-109349-001
  • EirGrid Tender Ref: ENQEIR633 – DS3 System Services – Volume Capped 

DS3 System Services - Fixed Contracts Recommendation

04.02.2019 EirGrid and SONI have today published their recommendation paper on the contractual arrangements for the DS3 System Services Fixed Contracts (‘Volume Capped’) process. This process is intended to provide contractual arrangements which are suitable for new providers of particular System Services with a very high level of availability. These contractual terms and conditions differing from the Regulated Tariff Arrangements, and include the awarding of six-year fixed term contracts with fixed tariffs.

The next steps are outlined within the paper, and include the launch of the procurement process at the end of February. We intend to hold an industry forum shortly after the OJEU notice is published.

This recommendation paper should be read in conjunction with the corresponding SEM Committee decision.

If you have any queries relating to the event, please email DS3@EirGrid.com or  DS3@soni.ltd.uk

DS3 Programme Transition Plan Q4 2018 – Q4 2020

20.12.18 EirGrid and SONI have today published the DS3 Programme Transition Plan Q4 2018 – Q4 2020. The document provides an update to the structure of the DS3 Programme, moving away from an 11 workstream structure to 2 workstreams focused on future increases in System Non-Synchronous Penetration (SNSP). A recent review of this previous workstream structure, and the associated plans, has shown that several of the workstreams are complete and can therefore be closed. This document contains closeout statements for these completed workstreams, including work completed and impact of the workstream on the overall DS3 Programme objectives. The remaining workstreams will be transitioned into the new DS3 Programme plan that will adopt a project milestone and deliverable approach focused on delivering 70% SNSP and 75% SNSP. 

DS3 System Services - Protocol Consultation

17.01.19  Following feedback from industry EirGrid and SONI have extended the deadline for responses to the DS3 System Services Protocol Document consultation from 18th January to 30th January.  The Protocol document specifies the compliance requirements which a service provider must satisfy before being paid for DS3 System Services. In addition, it specifies the Performance Monitoring procedures to be applied. It also contains operational requirements, specifying minimum standards that Providing Units must meet. 

This consultation paper outlines the proposed amendments to the DS3 System Services Protocol document – Regulated Arrangements, Version 1.0, published 12th December 2017 which is available here.  The marked up version of the Protocol document which accompanies this consultation is available here.  The purpose of the consultation paper is to provide stakeholders with information about our proposals and a guide to the consultation process.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper (a questionnaire template for responses is available here), should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 30 January 2019.

*Please note that the initial version of the protocol document indicated that it only applies to the Regulated Arrangements. This is not the case, and the document has now been updated to reflect that it also covers the Fixed Contracts (Volume Capped) arrangements

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Phase 2 – Outcome

30.11.18 EirGrid and SONI have today published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Phase 2. This includes a summary of successful tenderers from both Ireland and Northern Ireland which have been contracted to provide the FFR service under the DS3 System Services procurement process. The FFR service became effective on October 1st 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Phase 2 together with the forecast expenditure for the service for the period October 1st 2018 to September 30th 2019.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration). 

DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped, Procurement – Phase 1 – Outcome

16.11.18 EirGrid and SONI have today published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped – Phase 1. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland. Eleven system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate agreements for each jurisdiction. The Regulated Arrangements became effective on May 1st 2018.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements together with the forecast expenditure for the period October 1st 2018 to September 30th 2019.

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration). 

DS3 System Services - Fixed Contracts (‘Volume Capped’) Process

25.10.2018 EirGrid and SONI have today published their consultation on the contractual arrangements for the DS3 System Services Fixed Contracts (‘Volume Capped’) process. This process is intended to provide contractual arrangements which are suitable for new providers of particular System Services with a very high level of availability. These contractual terms and conditions differ from the Regulated Tariff Arrangements, and include the awarding of 6 year fixed term contracts with fixed tariffs.

The SEM Committee Decision Paper on to the DS3 System Services Fixed Contract (‘Volume Capped’) procurement process was published in September 2018. This procurement process is aimed at new technologies which can be available to provide services at all times, and will offer 6 year contracts with terms and conditions differing from the Volume Uncapped procurement process. The TSOs have now published a consultation* paper on the contracts for these arrangements and other issues, along with drafts of the EirGrid and SONI contracts.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in the papers, should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 6 December 2018. The questionnaire template for responses to this consultation is available to view here.

Should you have any questions please email DS3@EirGrid.com or DS3@SONI.ltd.uk

*Please note a previous version of this document contained an error in Table 1 (page 7) which indicated FFR response could be delivered from 0.1 seconds. This has been rectified to the correct value of 0.15 seconds.

DS3 System Services Volume Capped Procurement Process - Recommendation Paper

06.09.2018 EirGrid and SONI have today published their recommendation paper* on the DS3 System Services Volume Capped procurement process. This process is intended to provide contractual arrangements which are suitable for aspiring entrants, with terms and conditions differing from the Volume Uncapped procurement process. This involves the awarding of 6 year fixed term contracts for the delivery of System Services. This recommendation paper should be read in conjunction with the SEM Committee decision. A summary of the non-confidential responses to the consultation is available to view here.

If you have any queries relating to the event, please email DS3@EirGrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk.

*Please note a previous version of this document contained an error in Table 2 (page 12) which indicated FFR response could be delivered from 0.1 seconds. This has been rectified to the correct value of 0.15 seconds.

DS3 System Services – Recommendation Addendum - Market Ruleset

30.08.2018 EirGrid and SONI are today publishing an addendum to the DS3 System Services Market Ruleset, specifically in response to additional consultation feedback submitted on the treatment of interconnectors within the ruleset. This addendum should be read in conjunction with the DS3 System Service Market Ruleset Recommendation Paper and the SEM Committee Decision Paper on DS3 System Services Market Ruleset.

If you have any queries relating to this document, please email DS3@EirGrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk

DS3 - System Non-Synchronous Penetration - Definition and Formulation

28.08.2018 With increasing level of installed non-synchronous generation capacity i.e. wind and solar, and further interconnection to the All-Island power system, it is necessary to measure and limit the System Non-Synchronous Penetration (SNSP) to ensure safe and prudent operation of the system. The purpose of this document is to clarify the definition of SNSP.

The SNSP document is available to view here.

Should you have any questions please email DS3@EirGrid.com or DS3@SONI.ltd.uk

DS3 System Services – Recommendation - Market Ruleset Paper

31.05.2018 EirGrid and SONI have today published the DS3 System Services Market Ruleset to apply for DS3 System Services Units from I-SEM go-live. The ruleset provides clarity on the determination of availability and remuneration for contracted DS3 System Services Units. Specifically, implementation rules for utilising ‘the higher of the market position or physical dispatch’ in order to determine remuneration are outlined, taking account of a broad set of complexities. It should be noted that ahead of I-SEM go-live, remuneration will continue to be based on physical dispatch position only.

This recommendation paper should be read in conjunction with the SEM Committee decision.

If you have any queries relating to the event, please email DS3@EirGrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk.

DS3 System Services – Conference – Volume Uncapped Phase 2 Contracts & Bidders

05.04.2018 The tender process for the procurement of DS3 System Services Volume Uncapped Phase 2 Contracts went live on the e-Tenders website on Thursday 5 April, 2018. Reference details for the tender are as follows;

  • eTenders Ref: RFT  132182
  • EirGrid Tender Ref: ENQEIR583 – DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped – Phase 2
  • OJEU Ref: 2018/S 068-151907

Applicants are invited to submit a tender for this contract in accordance with the instructions set out in the Request For Proposal (RFP), which you can find by registering and logging in here.

For clarity, only FFR will be procured as part of this Phase 2 Volume Uncapped tender, the FPFAPR and DRR services will not be procured in this phase. It is intended that FPFAPR and DRR will be procured at a future procurement gate because, as per the contractual arrangements, both services will be paid for only when SNSP > 70%.

All of the information required to submit a valid tender response is provided in the RFP. The closing date for receipt of completed tenders is Tuesday 29 May 2018.

Any questions, queries or requests for further information regarding the Tender Documents should be submitted by email, clearly stating the tender reference ENQEIR583 – DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped – Phase 2  and the relevant Lot, and be addressed to: Sinead Connolly, Sinead.Connolly@EirGrid.com and purchasing@eirgrid.com.

To facilitate industry engagement on the DS3 System Services Volume Uncapped Phase 2 Contracts, a Bidders Conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza Dundalk on Wednesday the 18 April 2018 from 10am – 1pm, the Bidders Conference will cover the procurement arrangements and the testing and compliance process for the FFR service. In addition the procurement requirements for the FPFAPR and DRR services will be presented.

If you would like to attend the DS3 System Services Bidders Conference please register for the event before Friday 13 April here:


Should you have any questions please email DS3@EirGrid.com or DS3@SONI.ltd.uk.

DS3 System Services – Consultation – Volume Capped Procurement Process

28.03.2018 EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation on the DS3 System Services Volume Capped procurement process. This process is intended to provide contractual arrangements which are suitable for aspiring entrants, with terms and conditions differing from the Volume Uncapped procurement process proposed to apply for DS3 System Services Units from I-SEM go-live.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in the papers, should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 11 May 2018. The questionnaire template for responses to this consultation is available to view here.

Update: EirGrid and SONI have published a clarification note in support of the consultation on the DS3 System Services Volume Capped procurement process. Read this clarification note here.

DS3 System Services – Consultation – DS3 System Services Market Ruleset

15.03.2018 EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation on the DS3 System Services Market Ruleset proposed to apply for DS3 System Services Units from I-SEM go-live.

The proposed ruleset aims to provide clarity to stakeholders on the determination of availability and remuneration for contracted DS3 System Services Units. Specifically, implementation rules for utilising ‘the higher of the market position or physical dispatch’ in order to determine remuneration are proposed, taking account of a broad set of complexities.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in the paper, should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 11 April 2018. The questionnaire template for responses to this consultation is available to view here.

If you have any queries relating to the event, please email DS3@EirGrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk

DS3 System Services – Protocol Clarification – Frequency Events and performance assessment of POR, SOR, TOR1 and FFR

Recently the TSOs have received queries on the performance assessment of certain reserve services as they relate to DS3 System Services; the purpose of this note is to provide clarification to some of these queries.  

To begin the TSOs would like to point out that the established methodology for performance assessments of the reserve services POR, SOR and TOR1, is that these service are assessed for all events where the frequency falls through 49.5 Hz.

In the DS3 System Services Protocol a “Frequency Event” is defined as “an occasion when the Power System Frequency falls through 49.5 Hz. The start of the Frequency Event is referred to as time zero (T=0 seconds) and is timed from the Frequency falling through the Reserve Trigger. The Frequency Event ends when the Frequency rises back above 49.8 Hz”.

For the avoidance of doubt we would like to clarify that the reason a frequency event is deemed to ‘end’ by definition at 49.8 Hz, is to differentiate that event from the start of any subsequent frequency event (i.e. multiple frequency events).  In addition, by way of clarification, in the case of POR, SOR, TOR1 and FFR a performance assessment for each of these services is made for all frequency events where the power system frequency falls through 49.5 Hz, and is not bound by the ‘end’ of the frequency event as defined in the protocol. The data points used in the performance assessment of these services is described further below.

Data-point used for Assessment of Primary Operating Reserve (POR)

The assessment of POR performance is carried out at a point in time corresponding to the Nadir Frequency during the time range of T+5 to T+15 seconds, i.e. the POR Period. If the Frequency Event Nadir occurs before the start of the POR Period the POR performance will be assessed at the nadir frequency between T+5 to T+15 seconds. Asynchronous units are assessed in the same manner (albeit without an Inertial response credit).  

Data-points used for Assessment of Secondary Operating Reserve (SOR)

The assessment of SOR performance is carried out during the entire SOR time range of T+15 to T+90 seconds, i.e. the SOR Period. The average provision of reserve over all data-points in this period is used in the SOR assessment.

Data-points used for Assessment of Tertiary Operating Reserve 1 (TOR1)

The assessment of TOR1 performance is carried out during the entire TOR1 time range of T+90 seconds to T+300 seconds, i.e. the TOR1 Period. The average provision of reserve over all data-points in this period is used in the TOR1 assessment. If the average Frequency over the first 30 seconds of the TOR1 Period has been greater than 49.8 Hz then the performance event will not be assessed and a N/A Data Record will be applied to the event.

Data-points used for Assessment Fast Frequency Response (FFR)

The assessment of FFR performance is carried out following the Frequency passing through the Reserve Trigger for the Providing Unit at time T=0. The assessment of FFR performance is carried out over all data-points during the entire FFR timeframe from T=0 to the end of the FFR Period i.e. to T+10 seconds. An additional calculation for FFR is conducted over all data-points in the period T+10 seconds and T+20 seconds.

DS3 System Services – Marked Up Agreements – EirGrid and SONI

16.01.2018 The EirGrid and SONI Marked Up DS3 System Services Agreements (Regulated Arrangements) are now available to view. These document are marked-up/redline versions of the DS3 System Services Agreements (Regulated Arrangements) relative to the DS3 System Services Framework Agreements (Interim Arrangements).

Please note: the redline documents are intended for informational purposes only and are not intended to and should not be relied upon. The redline documents should not be used to replace their respective contracts as published on the EirGrid or SONI websites and should not be relied upon as final iterations of the documents.

EirGrid – Marked Up DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Agreement

SONI – Marked Up DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Agreement 

DS3 System Services – Information – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped Tender

14.12.2017 The OJEU notice for the DS3 System Services – Regulated Arrangements Volume Uncapped in now available on the eTenders website, Applicants are invited to submit a tender for this contract in accordance with the instructions set out in the Request For Proposal (RFP), which you can find by registering and logging in here.

Reference details for the tender are as follows:

  • eTenders Ref: RFT 127775
  • EirGrid Tender Ref: ENQEIR583 – DS3 System Services – Volume Uncapped

DS3 System Services – Decision – DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangement Contracts

12.12.17 EirGrid and SONI have today published a DS3 System Services Contracts for Regulated Arrangements Recommendations Paper. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

One of the central workstreams included in the DS3 System Services project plan is – Contract Design. The objective of this workstream is to design legal contracts for the procurement of the 14 DS3 System Services. The SEM Committee directed that DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements be established for 1 May 2018 ahead of the DS3 System Services Competitive Arrangements.

In this paper, we are presenting our recommendations on the contractual arrangements for the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements. The contractual principles on which this decision is based have been approved by the SEM Committee.

The decision follows a consultation held by EirGrid and SONI in September 2017. The non-confidential responses to the consultation are available to view here. In addition, responses to specific legal comments on the DS3 System Services Agreements are available here.

The paper is accompanied by the DS3 System Services Agreement (Ireland)DS3 System Services Agreement (Northern Ireland )DS3 System Services Agreement (Northern Ireland – Intermediary version) and the DS3 System Services Protocol document.

EirGrid and SONI are also publishing three supplementary documents related to the DS3 System Services Volume Uncapped procurement process, namely the DS3 System Services Proven Technologies List, the DS3 Performance Measurement Device Standards for Fast Acting Services and the DS3 Systems Services New Signals Requirements

DS3 System Services – Qualification Trials – Process Outcomes and Learnings 2017

03.11.17 EirGrid and SONI have today published a report on the Outcomes and Learnings from the DS3 System Services Qualification Trials Process. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in  order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

As part of the Delivering a Secure Sustainable Electricity System (DS3) Programme, the Qualification Trials Process (QTP) commenced in March 2017. The Qualification Trials Process aims to provide potential system services providers with an opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities of technologies that have not previously delivered system services on a system with similar characteristics to that of the all-island system which we operate. It is the mechanism through which we are managing the transition to a wider portfolio of system services providers.

The trials conducted during 2017 aimed to identify operational complexities associated with new technologies or services, develop understanding of these, and suggest solutions on how to integrate these technologies into our processes and systems. The trials consisted of fifteen individual technology trials across twelve separate Providing Units. Following the completion of the Qualification Trials for 2017, we have identified twenty six findings. These findings will inform system services product design decisions, procurement and contractual arrangements, as well as other TSO systems and processes. The rationale for each of these findings is presented in the report. 

DS3 System Services – Recommendation – DS3 System Services Tariffs and Scalar Design

23.10.17 EirGrid and SONI have today published two recommendations papers on (1) the DS3 System Services Tariffs for Regulated Arrangements to apply from 01 May 2018, and (2) the associated recommended DS3 System Services Scalar Design. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

In July 2017 we held two consultations on our proposed tariff framework and scalar designs to apply to all 14 services following execution of the new system services contracts in May and September 2018. We received 23 stakeholder responses to each consultation. Following consideration of the responses to the consultations, we have developed two recommendations papers. In the DS3 System Services Tariffs for Regulated Arrangements Recommendations paper, we set out our recommendations in relation to the tariff framework to apply for the period from 1 May 2018. The DS3 System Services Scalar Design recommendations paper examines how scalars could be implemented to incentivise flexibility, reliability and value for money. The paper sets out our recommended approach as to how these would be best implemented for the Regulated Arrangements.

The two recommendations papers have been submitted to the SEM Committee to inform their decision on the various elements of the design. In that context, the SEM Committee’s decision paper will set out the final decisions on the design (both tariffs and scalars) to be implemented by the TSOs. The SEM Committee decision on certain elements of the design may differ in parts to our recommendation. The TSOs will assess the final SEM Committee decision and develop a plan to implement the various aspects of the arrangements as soon as possible.

A summary of the non-confidential responses to the Regulated Tariffs consultation is available to view here and a summary of the non-confidential responses the Scalar Design consultation is available to view here

DS3 System Services – Consultation – Regulated Arrangements Contract

26.09.17 EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation paper on the DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements Contracts. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

The SEM Committee directed that DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements be established for 1 May 2018. This consultation paper outlines the contractual arrangements that we are proposing to put in place for DS3 System Services Regulated Arrangements. It is accompanied by the draft Ireland Regulated Arrangements Agreement and draft Northern Ireland Regulated Arrangements Agreement  which are referenced in the consultation paper. The paper also contains more information on the proposed procurement process. The purpose of the consultation paper is to provide stakeholders with information about our proposals and a guide to the consultation process.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper (a questionnaire template for responses is available here and a spreadsheet for more detailed legal comments is available here), should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 17 October 2017. 

DS3 System Services – Interim Protocol Document – Version 2.1

18.08.17 This latest version of the DS3 Interim Protocol Document – Version 2.1 is being released to capture some housekeeping errors which were identified since the previous release in June 2017. 

DS3 System Services – Recommendation – DS3 System Services Tariffs

24.07.17 EirGrid and SONI have today published a recommendations paper on the DS3 System Services tariff rates to apply for the period 1 October 2017 through 30 April 2018. The tariff rates set out in the recommendations paper have been approved by the SEM Committee. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

In May 2017, we published a consultation paper outlining the DS3 System Services tariff rates that we were proposing to apply to the existing Interim Framework Agreements for the 11 services that are being extended to the end of April 2018. Following consideration of the responses to the consultation, we submitted a recommendations paper to the SEM Committee. The Regulatory Authorities reviewed the TSOs’ consultation paper, stakeholder responses and the TSOs’ recommendations paper. Following this review, the SEM Committee published a decision paper on 21 July 2017 approving the tariff rates as set out in the TSOs’ recommendations paper for the “roll-over contract” period from 1 October 2017 through 30 April 2018. We are now publishing the recommendations paper while a summary of the non-confidential responses to the consultation is available to view here.




DS3 System Services – Consultation – Enduring Tariffs and Enduring Scalars

04.07.17 EirGrid and SONI have today published two consultation papers on (1) the DS3 System Services Enduring Tariffs proposed to apply from 1 May 2018, and (2) the associated proposed DS3 System Services Enduring Scalar Design. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

In the Enduring Tariffs consultation paper, we set out the proposed enduring tariff framework and enduring tariff rates to apply to all 14 services following execution of the new system services contracts in May and September 2018. The Enduring Scalar Design consultation paper looks at how scalars could be implemented to incentivise flexibility, reliability, and value for money, and sets out our proposed approach on how these would be best implemented for the Regulated Arrangements. These consultation papers should be read in conjunction with each other. The purpose of the consultation papers is to provide stakeholders with information about our proposals and a guide to the consultation/feedback process.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in the papers should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 21 August 2017. The questionnaire template for responses to the enduring tariffs consultation is available to view here and the questionnaire template for responses to the enduring scalar design consultation can be viewed here.

Following the consultations, we plan to publish decision papers in relation to Enduring Tariffs and Enduring Scalars in October 2017.



DS3 System Services – Decision - Interim Performance Monitoring Revised Methodology

28.06.2017 EirGrid and SONI have published a decision paper on the Revised DS3 System Services Interim Performance Methodologies. The purpose of DS3 Performance Scalars is to incentivise reliable and enhanced service provision. Following feedback received on the original methodologies a consultation paper was published in April 2017. This decision paper is in response to that consultation. Details of all consultation responses can be found here for reference.

In addition to the decision paper the DS3 Interim Protocol Document has also been updated to reflect the changes in methodologies. The DS3 Protocol Document forms part of the Interim Arrangements contractual arrangements along with the accompanying Framework Agreement and the Statement of Payments. This updated Protocol Document will now take effect from the date of this publication.

In addition to the publication of the Decision Paper and updated DS3 Protocol Document a number of template documents can also be found below in respect to the query management process and performance testing application process which form part of the contractual arrangements. Details on the use of these templates are described within the DS3 Protocol Document.

DS3 System Services – Consultation - DS3 System Services Tariffs

02.05.17 EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation paper on the DS3 System Services Tariffs to apply for the period 1 Oct 2017 through 30 April 2018. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

This consultation paper outlines the DS3 System Services tariff rates that we are proposing to apply to the existing Interim Framework Agreements for the 11 services that are being extended to the end of April 2018. The purpose of this document is to provide stakeholders with information about our proposals and a guide to the consultation process. The TSOs will separately consult in July 2017 on system services volume requirements, enduring scalar designs and the regulated tariffs to apply from May 2018 onwards.

Responses to the consultation should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 30 May 2017.

DS3 System Services – Outcome – Procurement

27.02.17 EirGrid and SONI have today published the outcome of the procurement for the DS3 System Services Interim Arrangements. This includes a summary of successful tenderers and the services for which they have been contracted for both Ireland and Northern Ireland. Eleven system services were procured from service providers in Ireland and Northern Ireland under the DS3 System Services procurement process, with separate framework agreements for each jurisdiction. The Interim Arrangements became effective on October 1st 2016.

EirGrid and SONI have also published a summary of the contracted volumes for the DS3 System Services Interim Arrangements together with the forecast expenditure for the Interim Arrangements period (1 October 2016 to 30 September 2017).

The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

DS3 System Services – Consultation - Interim Performance Scalar Methodologies

EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation paper on changes to the DS3 System Services Interim Performance Methodologies. This paper is being published following feedback received from industry on the current DS3 System Services performance methodologies which can be found in the DS3 System Services Protocol document and through a better understanding of the current mechanisms following their Go Live in October of 2016. The purpose of this document is to provide stakeholders with information about our proposals and a guide to the consultation process.

Responses to the proposal paper, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in the paper (a questionnaire template for responses is available here), should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 10 May 2016.

DS3 System Services - Decision - Qualification Trial Process

03.10.16 EirGrid and SONI have today published the DS3 System Services Qualification Trial Process Decision Paper. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration). The purpose of the Qualification Trial Process is to enable new technologies to prove their System Service capabilities and to enable participation in the next Central Procurement Process. It also facilitates the TSOs in the development of the new codes and standards for new technology classes, and new processes and procedures for the commissioning and testing of new technologies.

In June 2016, we published a consultation paper outlining the proposed Qualification Trial Process and provided new technologies and Service Providers with the opportunity to input into the design of the Qualification Trial Process. Following consideration of the responses to the consultation, we developed the decision paper which was approved by the SEM Committee on 29th September 2016. A summary of the non-confidential responses to the consultation are available to view here.

DS3 System Services - Decision - Interim Tariff Rates

29.08.16 EirGrid and SONI have today published the DS3 System Services Interim Tariff Rates Decision Paper. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

The SEM Committee directed that transitional DS3 System Services Interim Arrangements be established for the tariff year beginning 1 October 2016 ahead of the DS3 System Services Enduring Arrangements scheduled for go-live on 1 October 2017.

In April 2016, we published a consultation paper outlining the interim tariff rates that we were proposing to pay for DS3 System Services as well as the methodology employed to calculate the rates. Following consideration of the responses to the consultation, we published the DS3 System Services Interim Tariffs on our website on 3 August 2016. We are now publishing the accompanying decision paper, which has been approved by the SEM Committee. A summary of the non-confidential responses to the consultation are available to view here.

A copy of the DS3 System Services Statement of Payments 2016/2017, is now available for download here.

A copy of the DS3 System Services Statement of Payments 2016/2017 for Northern Ireland, is now available for download here.

DS3 System Services - Decision - Contracts for Interim Arrangements

03.08.16 EirGrid and SONI have today published a DS3 System Services Decision Paper on the Contracts for Interim Arrangements. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

One of the central workstreams included in the DS3 System Services project plan is WS5 – Contract Design. The objective of this workstream is to design legal contracts for the procurement of the 14 DS3 System Services. The SEM Committee directed that transitional DS3 System Services Interim Arrangements be established for the tariff year beginning 1 October 2016 ahead of the DS3 System Services Enduring Arrangements.

In this paper, we are presenting our decision on the contractual arrangements for the DS3 System Services Interim Arrangements. (The Enduring Arrangements will be consulted on separately).

The contractual principles on which this decision is based have been approved by the SEM Committee.

The decision follows a consultation held by EirGrid and SONI in April 2016. The non-confidential responses to the consultation are available to view here. In addition, responses to specific comments on the framework agreements are available here.

The paper is accompanied by the Ireland Framework AgreementNorthern Ireland Framework Agreement and DS3 System Services Protocol document.

DS3 System Services - Decision - Volume Calculation Methodology and Portfolio Senarios

27.07.16 EirGrid and SONI have today published a DS3 System Services decision paper on the Volume Calculation Methodology and Portfolio Scenarios. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

One of the central workstreams included in the DS3 System Services project plan is WS2 – System Services Volumes. The objective of this workstream is to determine the volume of System Services required to operate the system securely while facilitating increased levels of non-synchronous renewable generation. For those services deemed to be competitive, this information will feed into the Capability Volume Requirements to be used in the first System Services auction.

In this paper, we are presenting our decision, which has been approved by the SEM Committee, on the methodology for calculating the Capability Volume Requirements for each DS3 System Service.

The decision paper follows on from a consultation held by EirGrid and SONI in late 2015. The non-confidential responses to the consultation are available to view here.

DS3 System Services - Qualification Trial Process

20.06.16 EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation paper on the DS3 System Services Qualification Trial Process. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

The objective of this consultation paper is to provide new technologies and service providers with the opportunity to input into the design of the Qualification Trial Process. The purpose of the Qualification Trial Process is to enable new technologies to prove their System Service capabilities and to enable participation in the next Central Procurement Process. It also facilitates the TSOs in the development of the new codes and standards for new technology classes, and new processes and procedures for the commissioning and testing of new technologies. Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper (a questionnaire template for responses is available here), should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 19 July 2016

DS3 System Services – Consultation on Interim Contracts

21.04.16 EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation paper on the DS3 System Services Interim Contracts. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

The SEM Committee directed that transitional DS3 System Services Interim Arrangements be established for the tariff year beginning 1 October 2016 ahead of the DS3 System Services Enduring Arrangements scheduled for go-live on 1 October 2017. This consultation paper outlines the contractual arrangements that we are proposing to put in place for DS3 System Services over the interim period and is accompanied by the draft Ireland Framework Agreementdraft Northern Ireland Framework Agreement and supplementary Protocol document, all of which are referenced in the consultation paper. The purpose of the consultation paper is to provide stakeholders with information about our proposals and a guide to the consultation process.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper (a questionnaire template for responses is available here and a spreadsheet for more detailed legal comments is available here), should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 3 June 2016.

16.05.16  In response to queries from potential service providers, a clarification note has been published on the proposed definition of static and dynamic response for the DS3 System Services Interim Arrangements. This note provides a number of examples of a Providing Unit’s response and their categorisation as dynamic or static response as appropriate.

DS3 System Services – Consultation on Interim Tariffs

08.04.16 EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation paper on the DS3 System Services Interim Tariffs. The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

The SEM Committee directed that transitional DS3 System Services Interim Arrangements be established for the tariff year beginning 1 October 2016 ahead of the DS3 System Services Enduring Arrangements scheduled for go-live on 1 October 2017. This consultation paper outlines the interim tariff rates that we are proposing to pay for DS3 System Services over the interim period as well as the methodology employed to calculate the rates. The purpose of this document is to provide stakeholders with information about our proposals and a guide to the consultation process.

Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper (a questionnaire template for responses is available here), should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 20 May 2016.

DS3 System Services - Consultation on Scalar Design

11.03.16 EirGrid and SONI have today published a consultation paper on the DS3 System Services Scalar Design alongside an accompanying report by TNEI / Pöyry.  The aim of DS3 System Services is to put in place the correct structure, level and type of service in order to ensure that the system can operate securely with higher levels of non-synchronous renewable generation (up to 75% instantaneous penetration).

One of the central work streams included in the DS3 System Services project plan is WS6 – Product Design and I-SEM. A key deliverable from this work stream involves the design and implementation of scalars to be applied to the payment rates for the 14 DS3 System Services products. This consultation paper looks at how scalars could be implemented to incentivise flexibility, reliability, value for money and performance and sets out our proposed approach on how these would be best implemented. The purpose of this document is to provide stakeholders with information about our proposals and a guide to the consultation process.

Respondents are asked to read the accompanying TNEI / Pöyry report in advance of developing their responses to the questions posed in this consultation paper. Responses to the consultation, preferably structured in line with the specific questions raised in this paper (a questionnaire template for responses is available here), should be sent to DS3@eirgrid.com  or DS3@soni.ltd.uk by 29th April 2016.

2015 Consultations