
The Grid Code

Find the most up-to-date Grid Code and more information on Grid Code modifications, panel meetings and derogations.


The Grid Code is a technical document that forms the rules around operating, maintaining and developing the transmission system. It also sets out the procedures for overseeing the actions of all transmission system users. A user is defined as any party using or planning to use the transmission system.

The Grid Code ensures that all users are treated in a transparent and equitable manner. It is important to note that the Grid Code is not intended to describe aspects of market operation or the rules for trading and settlement. 

These rules and regulations can be found in the Trading and Settlement Code.

The most up-to-date version of the Grid Code can be found below.

The Grid Code Review Panel

At EirGrid, we are responsible for the development and maintenance of the Grid Code in Ireland. The Grid Code Review Panel (GCRP) is a standing industry body whose purpose is to review and discuss the Grid Code.

The GCRP regularly discusses the Grid Code's functionality and offers suggestions for updates and amendments. Each member of the GCRP represents the interests of their appointing body. 

They are responsible for engaging with their constituents and discussing their views.

The GCRP is governed by a constitution which you can read in the document below.

Grid Code Panel Meeting Notes

Register for the Panel

Any person who holds an electricity generation licence or an electricity supply licence can register to be a constituent of the GCRP. 

If you're eligible and would like to register, please contact the secretary of the Grid Code Review Panel (GCRP) via email:

Grid Code Modifications

The Grid Code is continuously evolving. Modifications are made to ensure compatibility with the I-SEM (wholesale electricity market), new generation technologies, demand side management and European Network Codes. 

Find a full list of Grid Code modifications below. 

Making Modifications

Any Grid Code modification request must be approved by the relevant Regulatory Authority.  

To propose a grid code modification, please complete the form below and send it to gridcode@eirgrid.com

Applying European Connection Network Codes

A guideline has been produced by EirGrid and by ESB Networks outlining the modernisation, refurbishment or equipment replacement for existing users. These guidelines outline when a user is required to comply in part or fully with the requirements of RfG, DCC and HVDC. The guideline document can be found below.

The incorporation of the HVDC parameters into the Ireland Grid Code was approved by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities on 17 December 2021 – for more information please see row MPID 289 on the Grid Code Modifications Page. The following updates, approvals and modifications were made to apply the European Connection Network Codes.


Section GC9.1 of the Grid Code states that if a user finds that they are, or will be, unable to comply with any provision of the Grid Code, then they shall without delay report such non compliance to the Transmission System Operator (TSO). They shall, subject to the provisions of GC9.2 make the reasonable efforts required to remedy non compliance as soon as reasonably possible.

All required forms and documents can be found below.  Please direct all correspondence in relation to derogations to derogationrequests@eirgrid.com.