
Powering Up Dublin

Powering Up Ireland

We are installing 50km of high voltage underground cables to replace older cables across Dublin and reinforcing the grid, with substation upgrades and the construction of a new electricity transmission substation in central Dublin.

Project Overview

Dublin's electricity infrastructure is ageing and reaching its end of life. Work must be done now to transform and modernise the city's infrastructure so Dublin can continue to develop and thrive, while increasing the power from renewable sources.

In this first phase, with our project partners, we are installing over 50km of cables across Dublin. Upgrades will also take place in a number of electricity substations to support Dublin's electricity grid.

We have carried out studies to identify new underground cable routes that will link the following electricity substations to each other: 

  • North Wall and Poolbeg
  • Finglas and North Wall
  • Poolbeg and Carrickmines
  • Two cables linking Inchicore and Poolbeg

What's Happening Now?

As part of the Powering Up Dublin programme, a new 220 kV/110 kV Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) has been identified as the best solution to address the city’s growing electricity demand. This GIS will be looped into one of the existing 220 kV circuits in the North Inner City.  

The new station will support: 

  • Residential housing & commercial developments in the city centre area 
  • Demand growth due to electrification of heat and transport   
  • Improve security of supply in the city centre 

EirGrid has surveyed the East Wall area to identify suitable sites for this new transmission station to reinforce the electricity grid in Dublin City.  

Stakeholder and landowner engagement in the area over the last number of months has resulted in the identification of one site as a feasible option for the construction of the station. 

Detailed information on how the location was selected can be found in the Step 3 report below.

The site identified as most suitable during the Step 3 process is shown in the image below.  

An illustration showing the proposed location of the new substation

The location is a vacant ESB owned carpark and brown field site on East Wall Road. The location is approximately 50m from the Finglas – Shellybanks 220 kV circuit which runs along the northern side of the M50.  It is proposed to construct a 220 kV/110 kV Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) at this site.  

Information Events

EirGrid will be holding pop-up information events to provide members of the public with information on the Central Dublin Substation Development Project. These events offer an opportunity for interested people and groups to:  

  • Speak with a member of the technical team and our Community Liaison Officer  
  • View details of the project 
  • Ask questions or discuss issues which may arise from the project.  

These events are drop-in and you do not need to make an appointment. Our team is also happy to meet with individuals, community and business groups on a one-to-one basis if requested.  

The details of the events are as follows:  

  • Monday 24 June, 11.00am - 3.00pm:        Dublin Port Sub-station, Alexandra Road, Dublin 1
  • Wednesday 26 June, 4.00pm - 8.00pm:   St Joseph’s Co‑Educational School, East Wall Road, Dublin 1
  • Thursday 4 July, 11.00am - 3.00pm:   Sean O’Casey Community Centre, St Mary's Road, East Wall, Dublin 1

January 2024 - Cable Routes

The feedback we collected through the public consultation and other stakeholder engagement, along with greater technical examination of each route, allowed EirGrid to determine the Best Performing Options for three of the cable routes presented in 2023. 

We have published the Best Performing Options for three of the cable routes associated with Powering Up Dublin:

  • Carrickmines to Poolbeg
  • North Wall to Poolbeg 
  • Finglas to North Wall

Further work is required to finalise the two remaining routes needed to connect the Inchicore electricity substation to the Poolbeg electricity substation. 

We will publish the Best Performing Options for these routes later this year.

A map showing the Powering Up Dublin BPOs

Project brochures for each route are available at the links below. 

These brochures will take you through the changes we made to the original proposals based on the feedback we received through public consultation and stakeholder engagement. 

Each brochure also contains a route description and an FAQ. 

Detailed reports on how the best performing options for these three routes were reached can be found below. 

These reports summarise how consultation submissions and other stakeholder engagement such as community and business forums, community liaison outreach, along with surveys and assessments helped to determine the routes.

Benefits of the Project

Security and reliability of supply

Building a more resilient and reliable electricity grid helps ensure that everyone has power when and where they need it. This upgrade will also enable greater energy independence by using greener sources of electricity close to the city.  


Powering Up Dublin will enable the city's grid to use the electricity generated from offshore wind energy to the heart of the city. This is a vital step towards transitioning Ireland to a low carbon electricity future.

Meet Future Needs

These improvements will help to meet the growing and changing electricity needs of Dublin. This includes the electrification of transport systems, vehicles and heating, the requirements of large energy users and the development of housing and offices.


These critical upgrades will help strengthen Dublin's economy, encouraging and supporting future investment.  


Our community benefit policy will directly support local communities in the areas that host the project infrastructure.

Project Contacts

General Contact

Liz Dillon - Community Liaison Officer

Liz Dillon

Community Liaison Officer

E-mail: liz.dillon@eirgrid.com

Telephone: +353 87 188 7982

Project Updates



EirGrid has announced the routes for three high-voltage underground cable circuits for its Powering Up Dublin programme, following extensive public consultations.

Powering Up Dublin will see the replacement of over 50km of high-voltage cables that have been in use for almost half a century, and need upgrading to transform and modernise the city’s electricity supply. 

Responding to feedback from communities, businesses and other key stakeholders during consultations and outreach events over the course of the past year, EirGrid has now announced routes for cables linking electricity substations between:

  • Finglas and North Wall
  • North Wall and Poolbeg
  • Poolbeg and Carrickmines.

Powering Up Dublin Update February 2024

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Business and Community Forums

In September 2022, we launched the Business and Community Forums. The forums bring together people and organisations from across the greater Dublin area. It means we can discuss, understand and properly consider stakeholder and community views.

The role of these forums is to:

  • Represent views of local businesses and the community in relation to the project
  • Provide guidance on local needs and priorities
  • Enable timely resolution of local issues related to the project
  • Provide feedback to the project team
  • Facilitate a local voice and communicate information to a wider group of stakeholders

Community Forum Membership

Forum members include:

  • Representatives from local resident and community associations
  • Disability and special interest groups
  • Business and sporting organisations
  • Local public representatives

If you would like to become a member of the forum, please get in touch by:

Email: dublin@eirgrid.ie 
Phone: +353 87 188 7982

Business Forum Membership

Forum members consist of local businesses and business representatives across the Greater Dublin Area.

If you would like to become a member of the forum, please get in touch by:

Email: dublin@eirgrid.ie 
Phone: +353 87 188 7982

Project Documents