Engaging Our Stakeholders
EirGrid is committed to stakeholder and public engagement. When we work with stakeholders, communities and industry, we make better decisions.
Working Together for Better Outcomes
Effective engagement is essential in achieving our purpose: to transform the power system for future generations. Across our work, stakeholders have opportunities to influence our decisions.
Some of the stakeholders we have include:
- Landowners, communities and the general public
- Generators, large
- Businesses and industry
- Academia and relevant organisations
- Statutory bodies, state bodies and political authorities
While there are regulatory and other factors that influence decision making, we actively collaborate with all of these groups. Together, we can better develop solutions and new approaches.
How We Engage
We tailor our engagement approach to each project or initiative. For communicating with stakeholders, this can include:
- Emails to customers and providing phone lines
- Letters to landowners and statutory bodies
- Project brochures and informational webinars
- Discussions on public radio
- Targeted social media content and advertising in local and national press
For grid development projects, we also promote the project in public places and hold local open days.
Stakeholders are invited to provide feedback through online feedback forms, at open days or webinars, by email or letter. They can also speak with a community / agriculture liaison officer for specific grid projects.
Customers can speak directly with their customer account manager.
Our overall approach is to:
Notifications of progress and updates
Formal consultations
Reference groups and industry workshops
Design workshops and industry advisory councils
Securing a Sustainable Future
Our 2020-25 strategy is our plan towards a renewable energy future. It commits us to a target of 80% renewable-sourced electricity by 2030. As part of the strategy, we are seeking innovative new ways to engage.
Our aim is to achieve world-class standards and deliver better results.
The consultation tools and approaches we use are continuing to evolve. Our engagement is geared towards:
- Understanding and responding to fears and concerns
- Highlighting impacts and opportunities we were not previously aware of
- Ensuring we deliver the best possible service with the least disruption
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
The Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2024 highlights our engagement strategy and plans for 2024. It builds on the draft plan, which was consulted on from 15 December 2023 until 19 January 2024.
It encompasses our overarching approach to engagement – from how we identify stakeholders to the processes that ensure they are genuinely involved in key decisions.
We have also published the appendices of the 2024 plan as a separate document: Planned Engagements 2024. In this document you can find a comprehensive list of all planned consultations, publications, industry fora and working groups, and project engagements for the 2024 financial year.
Previous Stakeholder Engagement Documents
See Stakeholder Engagement Plans for the past four years here. You can also read our Stakeholder Engagement Report. This details our performance against the plan and the benefits this performance brought.