
Laois Kilkenny Grid Reinforcement

A new electricity cable will reinforce the grid in the Laois-Kilkenny region. It is critical to maintaining a reliable electricity service in the region, and making the grid renewable ready as Ireland transitions to a low carbon electricity future.

Project Overview

The grid in Kilkenny and Laois needs to be upgraded to reduce risks to the quality and security of the power supply in the immediate area, as well as in the adjacent counties of Carlow and Kildare. 

The upgrade will help meet the increased demand for electricity in the area. Projected growth in electricity demand in the area will cause problems in the future if not addressed.

This project proposes to develop a new electricity line between the two counties. The plan follows the grid planning criteria for these areas, and includes minimal new infrastructure.

Laois - Kilkenny project area map

What's Included?

We have planned for the installation of interim measures in the Kilkenny substation. This will ensure electricity supply to the area, but is only a short-term measure. It does not address the underlying risks to the security and quality of the electricity supply.

For the Laois Kilkenny Reinforcement Project, the proposed infrastructure includes:

  • A new 400/110 kV substation situated to the south-east of Portlaoise, at Coolnabacky. Two existing overhead lines will connect to this new substation: the 400 kV Moneypoint-Dunstown line and the 110 kV Athy-Portlaoise line.
  • A new 110/38 kV substation located next to the existing 38 kV electricity substation at Ballyragget, Co Kilkenny.
  • A new 110 kV line between these two new stations at Coolnabacky and Ballyragget.
  • An upgrade for the existing Ballyragget-Kilkenny overhead line to become a 110 kV line.
  • A modification to the existing Athy-Portlaoise 110 kV line and works in the Kilkenny substation. 

Benefits of the Project

The project will address the regional concerns on the grid. In particular, it ensures that the power system can meet the grid’s technical standards. 

All parts of Ireland need a reliable, high quality standard of electricity supply. This ensures that our electricity grid can meet the present and future needs of all users; from homes and farms, to small businesses and industry. 

A strong electricity grid provides this reassurance, as Ireland transitions to a low carbon electricity future. It will also provide the capacity and security of supply demanded by industry and high-tech users. 

This will allow the region to compete for and retain businesses with employment potential. 

Where Are We Now?

Below shows the status for different elements of the project.

Project element
In progress project work
Planned project work 2024

Coolnabacky 400/110 kV station

Q1 2024 Civil contractor mobilisation by way of planning discharge, pre-start investigations, construction and welfare compound establishment and site clearance/enabling works in accordance with relevant construction plans

Q2-4 2024 110 kV GIS building construction completion and progress to the installation of 110 kV Electrical Primary Plant.

Ballyragget 110 kV Station

Completed Q3 2023

Kilkenny 110 kV Station

Completed Q3 2023

Ballyragget-Coolnabacky 110 kV line

The Kilkenny side of the 110 kV line is nearing completion, whilst a significant portion of polesets and angle towers have been constructed on the Laois side.

Works will continue over the rest of the year, with the remaining structures, stringing and fibre wrapping of the line to be undertaken.

Project Contacts

General Contact

Laois-Kilkenny Reinforcement Project EirGrid Plc The Oval 160 Shelbourne Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Email: laoiskilkennyreinforcement@eirgrid.com Phone: +353 1 237 0472

Eoghan O'Sullivan

Community Liaison Officer

Phone: +353 87 247 7732

Project Updates

April 2024


Work is under way at the Coolnabacky Substation site.

Surveys have been conducted in line with the construction plans, and site clearance and enabling works have begun. 

Works will continue over the rest of the year, progressing to construction and installation of the 110 kV electrical primary plant.

Ballyragget-Coolnabacky 110 kV line

The Kilkenny side of the 110 kV line is nearing completion, whilst a significant portion of polesets and angle towers have been constructed on the Laois side. 

Works will continue over the rest of the year, with the remaining structures, stringing and fibre wrapping of the line to be undertaken. 

Community Forum

The Laois Kilkenny community forum brings together people and organisations from the area. It means we can discuss, understand, and properly consider stakeholder and community views.

Irish Rural Link is the independent chair of this community forum.

The role of the forum is to advise on:

  • How we communicate and engage with the public
  • What we need to consider in developing the project
  • How we can deliver meaningful community benefit to the area where our infrastructure is hosted


The Community Forum comprises local representatives from community groups and associations and elected representatives in Laois and Kilkenny.

In April 2021 we held an information evening about the setup of the forum. We then opened a public nomination period where community groups were invited to express an interest in sitting on the forum. 

New membership to the forum is now closed.

Community Benefit Fund

We aim to create as little disturbance as possible, but at times work on the electricity system can involve some disruption to communities. 

For this reason, a dedicated fund for new grid development is made available to provide direct benefits to communities who are closest to new transmission infrastructure.

EirGrid is now inviting applications to Phase 2 of a €511,500 fund for communities adjacent to the Laois Kilkenny Reinforcement Project. 

This fund has been established in recognition of the importance of working closely with communities across the two counties throughout the construction of the project elements between Coolnabacky in Co Laois and Ballyragget in Co Kilkenny.

It is expected that 30% of the fund (€153,450) will be distributed in 2024/2025, with the remainder of the fund released in Phase 3 of distribution in line with project progress. We awarded €204,600 to community groups and not-for-profit organisations in Laois and Kilkenny in Phase 1.

The fund will provide grants to local community groups, not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises that operate or service communities near this new electricity line, and who can deliver projects that will create positive social and environmental impacts. 

The overall aim is to increase public and environmental wellbeing in the community and to leave a positive legacy. 

Phase 2 of the fund opened for applications at 12pm on Tuesday 23 April 2024. 

Applications will close at 5pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024.

Any initiative or project that can demonstrate a benefit to these communities is eligible for funding, with priority given to those areas within 3km of the development. Funding will be given out under two strands:

  • Small initiatives - €500 - €19,500
  • Large initiatives - €20,000 - €45,000
Have Questions?

M-CO, the administrators of the fund, are happy to answer any questions applicants may have on the fund or the application process.

Applicants can also set up one-to-one support sessions with the fund administration team, who can advise them on the application process, by contacting M-CO at communitybenefitfund@mco.ie.

Phase 2 Links and Documents

Project Links and Documents

You can find all documents relating to the Laois Kilkenny Reinforcement Project in our Publications section. Search for 'Laois Kilkenny' to find all the information you need on phase one and phase two reports, as well as all other relevant documents.